Order in WP Deliverable Number Deliverable Name Work Package N° Short name of lead principal Delivery Date
1 D1.1 Interim Progress Report (M1-M6) 1 CLARA M6
2 D1.2 Progress Report (First Reporting Period) 1 CLARA M12
3 D1.3 Interim Progress Report (M13-M18) 1 CLARA M18
4 D1.4 Progress report (Second Reporting Period) 1 CLARA M24
5 D1.5 Final Report 1 CLARA M24
1 D2.1 Roadmap for the delivery and deployment of National AAIs in Project regions  2 RNP M3
2 D2.2 AAI and eduroam boot camp for experts training 2 RNP M6
3 D2.3 On line Training Material on AAI development for Staff training 2 RNP M10
4 D2.4 AAI Preparation (Assess the Identity Management of participating institutions) 2 RNP M12
5 D2.5 AAI Pilot. 2 RNP M13
6 D2.6 eduroam Pilot. 2 RNP M14
7 D2.7 AAI implementation 2 RNP M21
8 D2.8 eduroam Implementation. 2 RNP M24
1 D3.1 Collaboration portal implemented for 2 new NRENs 3 CLARA M5
2 D3.2 Assessment of the existing group management standards, NREN tools and value services for the global communities 3 CLARA M6
3 D3.3 Planning and design requirements for the group management and inter-operations standards and pilot implementation 3 CLARA M8
4 D3.4 Pilot service with one application sharing group information and service catalogue 3 CLARA M14
5 D3.5 Evaluation of pilot and services, user perception, and implementation effort 3 CLARA M17
6 D3.6 Recommendation on service requirements for cloud providers in Academic cloud infrastructures. 3 CLARA M23
1 D4.1 Online training on implementing the NRENum.net service for global video dialing 4 RENATA M5
2 D4.2 NRENum.net deployed in 3 new NRENs 4 RENATA M12
3 D4.3 Three (newly delegated countries or already members) participants that secured the country code prefix ENUM zone with DNSSec 4 RENATA M16
4 D4.4 Pilot test of an integration between the legacy global video network with one open-source web-conference, and a VoIP network based in NRENum 4 RENATA M18
5 D4.5 Online course and video tutorial on how to deploy a unified communications network 4 RENATA M23
1 D5.1 Guidelines, objectives, directives and strategic work plan of the MAGIC Global Science Communities  5 UbuntuNet M8
2 D5.2 Annual report on Global Virtual Days in priority worldwide fields and on International Calls InfoDays transmitted 5 UbuntuNet M12
3 D5.3 Annual report on Global Virtual Days in priority worldwide fields and on International Calls InfoDays transmitted 5 UbuntuNet M22
4 D5.4 Report on Worldwide User communities virtual meetings and seminars  5 UbuntuNet M23
1 D6.1 First Dissemination and Training Plan and Baseline 6 CLARA M2
2 D6.2 MAGIC’s on-line presence report 6 CLARA M2
3 D6.3 First Dissemination and Training Report 6 CLARA M7
4 D6.4 Second Dissemination and Training Report 6 CLARA M13
5 D6.5 Third Dissemination and Training Report 6 CLARA M19