Once the MAGIC team defined the standards for Group Management, the detailed interaction structure of the components was designed and the set of services that would be part of the pilot was chosen. The main goal was to have a set of systems for final users, where those could access and develop activities with the groups they are members of regardless those were on their organizational group manager or on another partner institution.


Technical architecture

The pilots will be implemented following this architecture:


Technical architecture

The main components of this schema are:

Service Providers (SP): The services themselves (file transfers, wiki managers, H323 Booking systems and so).

Identity Providers (IdP): The software components that allow the users to authenticate. This component is that one able to say to the service: “The user is that one that says to be”.

Attribute Authorities (AA): The components that will release the list of groups an user belong to. This Is the component that says to the service: “The user belongs to all these groups”

SAML2: Is the communication standard used to exchange information between the Service Providers, Identity Providers and Attribute Authorities.

Group Manager: are the software components that will hold the information of users and groups, that will feed the Attribute Authority and that will store the information from other Group Managers.

VOOT Protocol: is the choosen protocol for groups information exchange between Group Managers.