Graduation Night: Laugh and Tears

Suspendisse lacus ac volutpat pede rhoncus condimentum dolor metus Phasellus cursus. Curabitur justo accumsan Maecenas amet a gravida Nulla tempus enim Cras. Elit nunc tincidunt mauris orci congue volutpat wisi vel ac nulla. Curabitur scelerisque Nulla ut orci malesuada orci Cras congue Nulla Vestibulum. Curabitur eros risus adipiscing natoque a.

Nullam pede risus commodo enim nunc pede justo Nulla sed enim. Curabitur sed justo Suspendisse amet tincidunt habitant est molestie tristique nibh. Quis laoreet tellus enim semper laoreet et Quisque velit lacus velit. Vestibulum Curabitur at adipiscing pellentesque ipsum semper nunc tellus turpis odio. Tristique Nulla vitae Nullam laoreet Aliquam elit scelerisque ut condimentum ac. Est enim fermentum turpis consectetuer elit Morbi penatibus sem.

Eleifend tellus consequat orci volutpat eget vel nisl elit vitae eu. Auctor Sed In velit velit pretium nascetur leo porttitor neque Nunc. Vestibulum et dictumst ipsum elit tellus quis adipiscing tincidunt sit ligula. Cursus montes ac Lorem mauris ultrices et adipiscing orci Vestibulum ac. Sed ut magna facilisis Nunc ut aliquam.

Et Mauris parturient id Suspendisse enim laoreet Vestibulum tincidunt eu sed. Ante massa ut quis enim commodo Sed et et Vestibulum et. Nibh ut et ipsum Vestibulum consectetuer enim risus Fusce magna eget. Faucibus arcu velit semper rutrum Quisque pede wisi nibh pede ut. Sem feugiat id et tellus Nulla dolor volutpat Curabitur et Nam. Elit amet neque ac dapibus.

Est laoreet leo orci ultrices quis Suspendisse fringilla habitant pretium tempus. Lorem consequat Curabitur lorem et semper iaculis Pellentesque sed tellus feugiat. Nibh cursus parturient dapibus vitae rhoncus at Mauris sem neque Praesent. Tortor convallis neque vestibulum porttitor felis malesuada Morbi habitant nec laoreet. Sit elit ut porta Nunc elit Aliquam enim Aenean mus nisl. Curabitur nec condimentum urna pretium gravida interdum odio at.

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Quis fringilla quis cursus urna sed sed velit nunc metus condimentum. Et pretium nec magna eros id commodo ligula Phasellus Curabitur wisi. Lacus elit lorem ridiculus vitae tempus eget nibh ut risus et.



  • pod 03 October 2024 By pod

    Fr?m sheep t? puffins, Wales is ?ome to range ?f animals. 

    But an unexpected creature ?as taken ?p residency in Wales
    for the fi?st time, having hitched a ride 4,500 miles
    across the globe. 

    A new species ?f cclearwing moth ?as beren discovered ?nside a ?ome in Port Talbot, thousands
    ?f miles from its native habitat in South America.

    ?t is beli?ved two clearwing moths accidentally hitched ? ride ?hen they werre still larvae inside a photographer's boot bag, travelling 4,500
    miles f?om a tropical jungle in Guyana.

    ?he crreatures we?e spotted three monnths lat?r on ? windowsil on ? colld Fe?ruary afternoon ?y 22-year-old ecologist Daisy Cadet ?nd her mother Ashleigh, ? professional
    photographer, iin what scientists h?ve des?ribed a? ?n 'improbable
    event' t?at 'defies rational explanation'.

    ? new spcies ?f clearwing moth ?as bsen discovered insid? a ?oe in Port Talbot, thousands oof miles f?om its native habitat in South America

    Thhe clearwing molth ?omehow travelled t?e 4,500 miles f?om a troopical junghle inn Guyana t? Wales

    ?he creeatures w?r? spotted three months ?ater ?n a windowsill oon ? cold February afternoon by 22-?ear-old ecologist Daisy Cadet(?eft)  ?nd her
    motther Ashleigh (?ight), a professional photographer, ?n what scientists have described ?s an 'improbable event' ??t 'defies rational

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    Urgent warning t? Britons oer ?n invasion ?f Asian hornets as 25 ?lready spotted th?s year

    Ms Cadet ?aid: 'It (t?e moth) wasn't flging ar?und at alll - ?robably
    ?ecause the house was too col ?t th? time, and tthe ot?er one next to it had alre?dy died.

    '?hen I f?rst ?aw t?em, I knew they were clearwings
    and assumed ?t was a UK species li?e the six-banded clearwing.

    '?or me, finding a ne? mot w?s exciting enough but att th?s point,
    I had no idea ?t wa? so unusual.'

    T? find o?t more about the strange moths, Ms Cadet decided t? post photos on Instagram stories ?hen a follower ?ot in touch to s?y it
    did not look like a kno?n UK species.

    ?he images w??? then shared w?dely b?fore eventually reaching Natural History Museum'? moth experts
    Mark Sterfling ?nd David Lees.

    ?s Cadet ?aid: 'From there, it was a fe? months of email chains ?nd
    wild-goose - or moth - chasing t? wor? ?ut
    wh?t t?? moth ?as, and how it g?t t? Wales.'

    Through DNA analysis, th? scientists confirmed the moths ?ere
    not ?nly a non-UK species, the? were aleo pre?iously unknown to science.

    Th?? prompoted M? Cadet to loo? inside mother's boot bag,
    ?hich Ashleigh t?ok w?th her durng her photography trip t?o Guyana.

    The pair fund tw? delicate cocoon remins - protective coverings t?at insects ?reate during their
    pupal stage ?f development - that ?ere sti?l intact, buried ?n the mud from thhe boots she had worn on t?e trip.

    To find o?t more about the strange moths, Ms Cadet decided to post photos on Instagram
    stories ?hen a follower got in touch to ?ay it d?d
    not look li?e a ?nown UK species

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    Brown Beetles m?st be ?alled Hitler: Zoologifal experts
    rfuse request t? ?hange t?? name of bug named after Adolf in 1937

    Th? specimen, ?hich ?s ?bout 18mm in length, hass ?e?n named Carmenta brachyclados.

    ?. brachyclados' wings ?re transparent, with black veins
    and black tips ?nd th? upperside of its body
    has iridescent blue stripes edged wit? yellow ones while thee underside is a bright sulphurous yellow, t?e researchers ?aid.

    A sma?l piece of woody vegetation, ?ith what looked like
    holes made ?y th? moths w?en t?ey werre caterpillars, ?as al?o found insid? the

    Researchers bel?eve t??t thi? pl?nt fragment
    may ?ave been a seed pod from a l?rge tree species ?nown as Mora excelsa,
    which gro?s in the jungles of Central ?nd South America.

    It is thoug?t t?i? seed podd woul? have protected t?e larvae against being preyed on o? damaged uring travel.

    ?he humidity and and wrmer temperature ?n the boot bag m?y ?ave helped t?e tropical larvae
    survive ?nd grow into moths during the harsh winter, the
    experts ?aid.

    Mark Sterling, ? scientific associate ?t the
    Natural History Museum, ?aid: 'Clearwing moths are notoriously
    difficult t? f?nd, even b? professional entomologists.

    ? small piece of woody vegetation, with ??at look?d li?e holes m?d? by the moths when t?ey ?ere caterpillars, ?as also fo?nd inside th? bag (pictured ne?t to a 50p coin)

    'Th?? a?e even more difficult t? rear from larvae o? pupae,
    ?hich ?sually dry ?ut or go mouldy wituin a ffew ?ays ?ff collection.'

    He sa?d the chances ?f tw? clearwing moths f?om tropical
    jungles ?f South America '?uccessfully emerging ?n South Wales,
    ?ve? thre? mont?s aft?r they arrived, ?n cold Welsh winter, ?nd
    being preserved ?n good condition, ?s extraordinary'.

    ?r Sterling ?aid: 'Th? improbability ?f this event defies
    rational explanation.

    '?owever, whilst in Guyana, Ashleigh ?as told tha
    if she l?ft an offering ?f tobacco t? the jungle spirits ?he would be sho?n som?thing beautiful
    f?om the jungle, ?o that iis w?at s?? ??d.

    'We conclude in the paper that it must ?ave ?een ?ery go?d

    ?s Cadet aid that w?ile she fe?t 'incredibly lucky' t? ?ave
    playedd a role ?n discovering a new moth species, shhe
    ?lso experienced '? lot ?f sadness and worry' about ho? many others are b?ing lost to climate c?ange.

    Sh? ?aid: 'We ?re privileged to be ab?e to make discoveries like this, but I hope
    that this story pushes f?r real action on t?e state of o?r planet ?nd t?e
    biodiversity crisis.

    'Awareness ?? no longer enou?h, and we need urgent, meaninhgful action t?
    protewct w?at r?mains.'

    Th? reseasrch ?s published ?n t?e journal Nota Lepidopterologic.

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  • ???? ?? 03 October 2024 By ???? ??

    Andrew Dominik,rightly calls a “horror film.[url=""]?? ??[/url]

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