
  • 10 months doing MAGIC

    MAGICUnder the title of Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities, the MAGIC project started its two year race in May 1st, 2015, and with the participation of 19 NRENs and RENs from all over the world, and the powerfull commitment of their representatives, translated into many hours of work, after 10 months the project results certainly demonstrate that the only way of growing together is by collaborating. 


  • Check this out!: Everything you wanted to know about eduroam but were afraid to ask

    eduroamKarl Meyer posted a very clear article about eduroam, don't miss it! "With billions of authentications every year in thousands of locations across 78 countries you might think that eduroam is an immensely complicated system and something like “Black Magic”. Go to Karl's post!

    With billions of authentications every year in thousands of locations across 78 countries you might think that eduroam is an immensely complicated system and something like “Black Magic”. 

  • September 8 to 10: Workshop on Joining eduroam and Identity Federation

    Workshop on Joining eduroam and Identity FederationASREN (the Arab States Research and Education Network) in cooperation with German Jordanian University, MAGIC Project and EUMEDCONENCT3 Project will conduct a workshop dedicated for staff of NRENs and Universities on eduroam, Federated Access and eduGAIN.

  • The Workshop on Joining eduroam and Identity Federation in Amman was a success

    Amman Workshop, 2015Organized by ASREN (the Arab States Research and Education Network) in cooperation with German Jordanian University, MAGIC Project and EUMEDCONENCT3 Project, the workshop was held between September 8 and 10 in the city of Amman.