The second Work Package (WP2), as it name says, it is devoted to platforms for mobility, and is led by RNP.



  • To promote, coordinate and support the effort to create in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia an authorisation and authentication infrastructure (AAI) for academic services and processes.
  • To promote, coordinate and support the effort to create in the Caribbean, Africa and Asia an eduroam infrastructure and processes for researchers and academics.
  • To create eduroam Roaming Operators in at least two countries per region.
  • To create pilot identity federations in two countries in each region as a basis for further expansion through the region.
  • To provide a local boot camp to develop federation and eduroam experts in at least two countries per region.
  • To create virtual courses to be used by Federation and eduroam experts to provide local training in their own constituency.
  • To provide technical knowledge and policy requirements to integrate new federations and European federations.
  • To provide technical knowledge to create interoperability and interoperation with new federations.

Description of work

Benefiting from the Brazilian experience in the ELCIRA project, coordinating efforts to create AAI and eduroam in Latin America, RNP will coordinate WP2, aiming at the promotion and consolidation of the foundations for creating a framework for authentication and authorisation in Africa, the Caribbean, Asia and for Latin America, CUDI will support RNP in the inclusion of new NREN and its members, particularly those participating in the SCALAC1 initiative.. The WP will be structured to enable other RENs to establish their own regional federation initiatives. This Work Package will also facilitate integration with the European initiatives under TERENA activities such as TF-EMC2 and REFEDS, and will make the necessary arrangements to make it possible to join the eduGAIN interfederation service.

The participation of the NRENs that will play the role of Focal Points is very important. Below is a description of members’ responsibilities in this WP:

  • Project Leader (RedCLARA)
    • Select team members and, if cross-functional as the Core Team Leader, select Core Team Members;
    • Prepare project plan and obtain management approval of the project plan;
    • Assure that all team members understand their roles and accept their responsibilities;
    • Apply project resources according to the approved project plan;
    • Track and report on progress to project plan;
    • Keep all stakeholders informed of progress and issues;
    • Arbitrate and resolve conflict and interface problems within the project.
    • Manage the project Risks, controlling the source of risk and its mitigation strategy;
    • Ensure compliance with time and quality of deliverables.
  • Work Package Leader (RNP)
    • Track and report on progress in accordance with the WP plan;
    • Analyse actual performance against the plan and make adjustments consistent with plan objectives;
    • Assure timely adaptive action is taken;
    • Establish and publish clear priorities among project activities;
    • Arbitrate and resolve conflict and interface problems within the WP;
    • Organise and provide in-class training to WP focal points;
    • Manage WP Risks, controlling the source of risk and its mitigation strategy;
    • Ensure compliance with time and quality of deliverables.
    • Negotiate the performance of activities with team members and their managers;
    • Arbitrate and resolve conflict and interface problems within the region;
    • Provide region online training to WP committed NREN;
    • Inform any issue that may impact in the WP or project goals.
  • AAI and eduroam governance (TERENA)
    • Provide knowledge to create governance documents and processes to manage an AAI federation and eduroam.
  • Committed NREN (all participating NRENs)
    • Implement AAI and eduroam in their respective countries using the knowledge of the online training;
    • Provide local online training to their customers;
    • Disseminate the AAI and eduroam for their customers;
    • Manage their federation and eduroam in the region.


2.1 Analyse the regions that will encompass the project scope to design the best Federation architecture to be implemented per territory.
2.2 Develop and adapt training material for Identity Federation and eduroam deployment, supporting local language requirements as necessary.
2.3 Implement online training for Identity Federations and eduroam in an e-learning platform (NREN or project partner).
2.4 Identity Federation and eduroam training workshop for Regional RENs.
2.5 Develop and provide in-class training (boot camp) to establish identity management professionals in the region.
2.6 Implement the model selected in 2.1 for federation deployment.