MAGIC TNC2016 allBy means of the MAGIC + Sci-GaIA + TANDEM: Towards Sustainable e-Infrastructures session, held during the second day of TNC16, and of its presence at GÉANT’s booth, the MAGIC Project had a very important visibility in this relevant conference, the one that gathers all the Pan-European NRENs leaders and their worldwide peers with the research and also the industry communitties.

During its session, the EC funded MAGIC, Sci-GaIA and TANDEM projects join forces to promote the cross-border collaboration which is needed to develop global research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond. The three projects showcased the development and operation of research e-infrastructures in the different world regions covered by them, introducing their approaches on these issues and stimulating the discussion about the benefits of developing new world class research e-Infrastructures for the R&D communities.

MAGIC TNC2016 - Tom FryerIf you couldn’t attend the Conference and this particular session, you can check out the video reccorded during it at:

The session's prsentations can be downloaded at:

Thanks to the collaboration of GÉANT, MAGIC also had the chance of enhancing its outreach by means of its dissemination slots at GÉANT’s booth, where the project’s benefits where shared with the visitors as well as the projects dissemination brochures and goodies.