• 10 months doing MAGIC

    MAGICUnder the title of Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities, the MAGIC project started its two year race in May 1st, 2015, and with the participation of 19 NRENs and RENs from all over the world, and the powerfull commitment of their representatives, translated into many hours of work, after 10 months the project results certainly demonstrate that the only way of growing together is by collaborating. 


  • Federated Access and eduroam workshop in the Caribbean

    Jamaica - JREN - CKLNThe workshop will be carried out from October 7 to 9, 2015, in the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission, under the auspicies of the Jamaica Research and Education Network, JREN.

  • In the framework of MAGIC’s WP4: Ecuadorian NREN is part of NRENum.NET

    RedCEDIA is part of NRENum.netIn July 24, 2015, the ENUM Service for Academia website - - recieved a new member with the following post in its home: “Welcome Ecuador (+593) to! RedCEDIA, the national research and ecucation network of Ecuador, looks after the 37th country code that has been delegated to” This achievement of CEDIA is also an achievement of the Work Package 4 of the MAGIC Project, that seeks the establishment og agreements for real time collaboration.

  • Join the First virtual meeting of the Global Science Community on Environment

    Environment CommunityThe MAGIC Project invites to participate in this first activity on Environment which will be carried out in February 18th through the desktop videoconference system, VC Espresso, available in the collaborative platform, Colaboratorio.

  • Join the First virtual meeting of the Global Science Community on Remote Instrumentation

    MAGIC - Global science Community - Remote InstrumentationThe MAGIC Project invites to participate in this first activity on Remote Instrumentation which will be carried out in February 25th through the desktop videoconference system, VC Espresso, available in the collaborative platform, Colaboratorio.


  • July 14, 2016, 13:00 GMT: Join us for a Webinar on Remote Instrumentation for Medical Applications

    Remote Instrumentation - Medical ApplicationsCome and meet those using Remote Instruments for Medical Applications! The presenters will be the experts Dr.Patricia Santiago and Dr. Valverde (México), Dr. Shuji Shimizu, M.D. Ph.D. (Japan), Prof .Winston G. Mendes Davidson (Jamaica) and Dr. Michel J.F. Walravens (Belgium).

    Who should Participate?

    Persons working in healthcare, medical practitioners, specialists, persons interested in medical technology, researchers, academics, students and those wanting to learn more about what is possible and with what with technology.

    The Webinar Objectives

    • to share the work and experiences of practitioners from around the world who conduct aspects of their medical or healthcare practice using remote instruments.

    • that participants will have a better understanding of what is possible in their own institutions and countries.

    • professional links and connections will be made and

    • that practitioners will seek and suggest ways to collaborate in order to improve healthcare delivery by sharing instruments remotely.

    This webinar is hosted by the MAGIC project.

    More information >>
    Register >>

  • MAGIC @ UbuntuNet Connect

    In the 2015 version of the UbuntuNet Connect Conference, the MAGIC project had a great visibility by the participation of its members in the Africa Connect2 Visibility meeting, the Sci-GaIA Workshop on Open Science and, of course, at the Conference itself.

  • MAGIC had a great collaboration experience at TNC16

    MAGIC TNC2016 allBy means of the MAGIC + Sci-GaIA + TANDEM: Towards Sustainable e-Infrastructures session, held during the second day of TNC16, and of its presence at GÉANT’s booth, the MAGIC Project had a very important visibility in this relevant conference, the one that gathers all the Pan-European NRENs leaders and their worldwide peers with the research and also the industry communitties.

  • MAGIC will have a shared session @ TNC16

    TNC16 - Prague“MAGIC + Sci-GaIA + TANDEM: Towards Sustainable e-Infrastructures Around the World” is the name of the session that during june 14 will carried out the three complementary EC-funded projects during TNC16 Conference in Prague.

  • MAGIC’s community initiative will be presented at IST-Africa2016

    istWhat is a Global Science Community (GSC) and how to become part of it? These and many other important questions about MAGIC’s GSC will be answered next May, in Africa, during the IST-Africa2016 Conference.

  • November 19 and 20: MAGIC will participate in UbuntuNet Connect 2015

    UbuntuNet Connect 2015Along with a stand to disseminate the project’s information, MAGIC will give a presentation in the Conference led by UbuntuNet Alliance and will participate in the Sci-GaIA Workshop on Open Science. The project’s Work Package 5 (Global Science Communities) will have a meeting during November 17th.

  • October 20 to 22: MAGIC Project will have representation in ICT2015, Lisbon

    new-carousel-ict2015-500x254px 8555The event is organized by the European Commission and expects to receive about five thousand participants in the three days of its completion. MAGIC, the global collaboration project led by RedCLARA, will share a stand and conduct a "Networking Session" with TANDEM and SciGaIA projects, all co-financed by the program Horizon2020 of the European Commission

  • Project Management

    MAGIC Work Package 1 (WP1) is in charge of the management of the project, task that is led by RedCLARA, the coordinating institution, and in which all the partners are involved.

    WP1 Objectives:

    • To efficiently manage the project consortium by carrying out adequate planning, implementation and monitoring of the project tasks and activities as well as the timely delivery of reports.
    • To secure the adequate coordination among project partners and beneficiaries.
    • To appropriately manage the resources.
    • To monitor the results and implement corrective measures, if needed.

    Description of work

    To coordinate the work of the Consortium, there will be a “Steering Committee” composed of one representative of each Partner and coordinated by the Project Leader. This committee will be responsible for making high-level decisions and solving differences that may arise among the work packages, such as different points of view in the implementation calendar of standards or other topics.

    The Steering Committee will meet every 3 months in order to receive updates of activities, approve changes and supervise the overall execution of the project.

    There will also be a Regional Executive Committee composed of representatives of each of the world regions. This committee will meet once a month and will be responsible for the coordination of work at the regional level. It will report to the Steering Committee and will be coordinated by the Project Leader.

    The project will start with a Technical Kick-off Meeting that will include the WP leaders. This will allow for more detailed planning by each WP and the detailed planning of activities in order to ensure that the schedule is completely assumed by each team member.

    Each Work Package will be coordinated by the WP Leader who will also be responsible for the appropriate execution of the activities, quality control and the timely delivery of reports. Any change in planning that may imply delays to other packages will have to be approved by the Steering Committee. The WP teams will hold fortnightly meetings and use RedCLARA’s Portal to coordinate their activities and maintain documentation of the project.

    The Project Leader’s Office will be in charge of administrative procedures, the control of expenses and the appropriate documentation to be submitted to the European Commission.


    1.1 General Coordination
    1.2 EC Contract management
    1.3 Budget management
    1.4 Deliverables and Milestones follow up
    1.5 Reporting